Elen provides private individuals with legal advice on asset and inheritance planning with a focus on tax law and has a special interest in the (re)structuring of companies both in a Belgian context and cross-border. She also assists clients in making tax adjustment declarations.
Elen has a master’s degree in law (University of Antwerp – cum laude) and a master’s degree in tax law (University of Antwerp – cum laude). She is a member of the Bar of the province of Antwerp.


send email to miskaryan@deknudtnelis.be
- L. VAN DAELE en E. MISKARYAN, “De lijst “privatieve vermogensstructuren”: wie wel, wie niet?”, Fiscoloog, 2014, afl. 1390, p. 9.
- L. VAN DAELE en E. MISKARYAN, “Société en commandite simple spéciale” is geen “juridische constructie”, Fiscoloog, 2015, afl. 376, p. 7.